Breckenridge Listing Stats
Average Price | $3.3M |
Lowest Price | $450K |
Highest Price | $19M |
Total Listings | 138 |
Avg. Days On Market | 117 |
Avg. Price/SQFT | $1.1K |
Property Types (active listings)
Browse Breckenridge, CO real estate or read about the town's history & amenities, and the lifestyle of residents here!
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- $400,000 - $500,000
- $500,000 - $600,000
- $600,000 - $700,000
- $700,000 - $800,000
- $800,000 - $900,000
- $900,000 - $1,000,000
- Over $1,000,000
Breckenridge - Market Stats
The highest priced home for sale in Breckenridge is listed at $18,995,000 with the lowest available home listed at $450,000. The current average price for Breckenridge is $3,280,876. Homes in Breckenridge range in size from 296 Sqft to 9,536 Sqft. There are currently 77 houses for sale, 51 condos for sale, and 4 townhouses for sale in Breckenridge.
Total Listings | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Average Price | Average Price Per SqFt | |
Active | 139 | $18,995,000 | $450,000 | $3,280,876 | $1,113 |
Sold Last Year | 416 | $12,800,000 | $275,000 | $2,000,459 | $925 |
Monthly Sales Last Year
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Breckenridge Homes For Sale & Community
Breckenridge, Colorado was founded in 1859 and was named after US Vice President John C. Breckenridge. The region is located at 9,600 feet above sea level, and receives an abundance of sunshine throughout the year; during powdery winter months and the warm colorful days of summer. This area became famous during the Gold Rush when the Breckenridge Mining District was recorded for producing one million troy ounces of gold—that's over 31,000 kilograms!
The town is known for its historic district and Breckenridge homes for sale are characterized by Victorian styles, mixed in with Wild West Saloons, barns and outhouses! The Breckenridge Ski Resort first opened in 1961 and has now become the most visited ski area in North America boasting over 2,908 acres on five peaks and 34 ski lifts.
"Perfect Mountain. Perfect Mountain Town."
In the winter, Breckenridge locals and visitors enjoy activities such as skiing and snowboarding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, dog sledding and snowmobiling. The Breckenridge Ski Resort boasts one of the best ski and ride schools in the country along with top-ranked terrain parks, events and expansive terrain. In the summer take up hiking, mountain biking and golf and enjoy amazing summer festivals, dining and shopping.
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Relish Winter With Breckenridge Cabins, Estates & Condos
Enjoy skiing and riding at one of the top ski resorts in North America. There's nearly 2,400 acres of terrain and 155 trails to choose from here, and the Breckenridge Ski Resort is situated at a base elevation of 9,600 feet. Residents revel in the spectacular snow Colorado is known for, along with easy access to and from town and every desired vacation amenity, including spectacular shopping and dining on Main Street. Breckenridge real estate caters to all lifestyles; whether you're seeking a cozy Breckenridge condo or a luxury estate in a prestigious neighborhood there's plenty of options for buyers seeking the resort lifestyle on any budget.
The Fairway Backyards Of Breckenridge, CO Real Estate
The Town of Breckenridge boasts the only jack Nicklaus-designed 27 hole Golf Club—featuring the Elk, Beaver and Bear Nines. The golf course is situated in a beautiful mountain valley at 9,324 feet. The ball goes farther and straighter at this elevation since there is less air resistance. Pleasant summer temperatures and lots of sunshine makes this area the perfect place to play in the mountains that characterize the backdrop to Breckenridge, CO real estate.
View an HOA Master list of Breckenridge and surrounding communities
We'd be happy to help you find the ideal Breckenridge, CO real estate for your lifestyle and give you a tour of the neighborhood. Please don't hesitate to contact Andrew for more information, or call (970) 453-2200 for assistance.