Kickoff to Summer in Breckenridge!
Posted by Andrew Biggin on
The days are warming up and the snow is quickly melting away. To kickoff summer, mountain style, come join the Town of Breckenridge for the 19th Annual Breckenridge Town Party! The tradition was started by the town to thank the locals for all their hard work over the winter. On June 13th, from 4:30-9 p.m. come enjoy a relaxing mountain evening on the lawn of the Riverwalk Center. There will be free music, performed by the Wheeler Brothers, socializing, and lots of fun activities for the kids. And don't forget about the annual Town Photo. So pack your picnic (or enjoy food and beverages at cost), a blanket and get ready to have some fun at the Annual Breckenridge Town Party!
After the party is over, don't miss out on the other fun events scheduled…
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