One of the main requirements of buying any real estate property is affordable property insurance.  No lender will mortgage a property unless property insurance is issued and I have never heard of an owner purchasing a property for cash and not obtaining insurance.

Breckenridge and Summit County are in a rather unique location which is why it is a world resort destination, the mountains!  With owning a property in the mountains comes insurance requirements that are different to other areas.  Homes here are typically near or next to National Forest or forested areas.

Insurance companies are currently scrutinizing insurance procedures and requirements to encourage homeowners to take preventative measures for fire protection.  Breckenridge and the other…

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The vacation home market saw it's best year in 2013 since the National Association of Realtors began tracking in 2003.   In 2013, the vacation home market saw a 30 percent increase in the number of sales.  This being one of the largest gains, the confidence levels of buyers is starting to get stronger.  According to the Wall Street Journal, "Economists note that the vacation-home market was a beneficiary of last year's big gains in the stock market and rising home values, bringing buyers more wealth and confidence."  Because of this "wealth effect", many buyers are looking at real estate as a solid investment.  For 2013, the vacation home sales made up 13 percent of the total U.S. homes sales.  This is up from 2012, when the vacation market only totaled…

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If you are heading up to the high country, make sure you keep your eyes open for moose.  The moose population in Summit County has continued to grow throughout the years.  Many locals and visitors are unaware of how dangerous a moose can be. They might seem to be a very calm, but when they feel threatened, they can be very a dangerous animal.  Weighing over 1,500 pounds, the moose's natural predator is the wolf.  In Colorado, we do not have wolves, but a dog can spark the same defensive reaction.  Mother moose are also very protective of their calves.   

Yesterday, outside the Silverthorne rec center, there was a moose chomping away at a bush.  It was only steps away from the entrance.  It is an exciting thing to see a moose, especially up close, but…

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Breckenridge and Summit County are very cyclical in nature with regards to real estate sales.  We typically sell 70% of all real estate in the summer months.  Typically from June through October with a final rush at the end before the winter holiday season.

Sellers generally look towards putting their property on the market at the end of ski season when they have finished using or renting for the season.  A Realtor will have to work on getting the property ready for sale and marketing which generally results in the property being launched to market in June.

This is the best time for a Buyer to come to Breckenridge or Summit County and view properties.  This is when the selection of properties available for sale will be at its greatest during the…

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