Found 1 blog entry tagged as Keystone.

Mother Nature has not been very friendly to the Breckenridge ski resorts this fall.  Going into the 2014/2015 ski season, there has been little snow that has blanketed the ground.  The temperatures have also not been favorable, with temperatures higher than normal.  The Breckenridge ski season was suppose to kickoff on Halloween, but because of the warmer temperatures, snowmaking operations have been limited.  This Friday, November 7th, the ski season will start with a bang when three ski resorts start their lifts.  Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, and Keystone having been preparing for opening day, by making snow, with the help of the help of Mother Nature and the last storm.  According to Laura Parquette, Keystone’s spokeswomen, “The last week has…

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