How did it get to be the holiday season already? The ski season is in full swing after a tremendous start with snow continuing to fall. Breckenridge Ski Resort has reported 22 inches of snow in the last seven days and all Peaks are open. Let's just keep dancing to Ullr to keep the snow a comin'!
With the entire ski season before us, now is a great time to get settled into your own Breckenridge home or condo. Family traditions are important and it is never too late to start creating them in our charming mountain town. As of December 22nd, 2015, there are currently 244 active residential listings in Breckenridge. Inventory remains at historic lows compared to years past, but there are some beautiful opportunities currently available. Remember, you can always search all active listings in the MLS here. And if you have any questions that arise, let me assist you. Sharing Breckenridge and Summit County with you would be my pleasure. Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Posted by Andrew Biggin on
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