Our Listings at Breckenridge Associates

Our office is pleased to highlight the following properties. If you're a home buyer, simply click View Details to learn more about each property. If you're selling your home with us, we'll feature your property here too, so that it receives optimal exposure.

If you have any questions about the properties listed on this page, or about our services, feel free to contact us.

Featured Breckenridge Homes for Sale, Over $1,000,000

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Featured Breckenridge Homes for Sale - Market Stats

The highest priced home for sale is listed at $15,950,000 with the lowest available home listed at $1,060,000. The current average price is $3,885,793. Homes range in size from 1,063 Sqft to 6,688 Sqft. There are currently 17 houses for sale, 1 condos for sale, and 4 townhouses for sale.

  Total Listings Highest Price Lowest Price Average Price Average Price Per SqFt
Active 23 $15,950,000 $1,060,000 $3,885,793 $1,107

If you'd like to expand your property search, see all homes for sale in the local market. If you are in need of more assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Andrew for more information, or give him a phone call (970) 453-2200 .